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NeuroNav IF Tool



NeuroNav is a company with a mission to improve the quality of life for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. As an intern, I was assigned a project to design a tool that allows independent facilitators to find services for their clients.

User Research

The first step was to conduct user research. To do this I conducted interviews with independent facilitators to explore how technology can improve their efficacy and role. From these interviews I was able to put together a persona and a user journey map, providing guidance for building the platform.

NeuroNav Persona.png
NeuroNav User Journey.png


With my research, I was able to decide what to include in my design. I started with crazy eights, an exercise where I sketch eight different versions of a screen that is the most important (In this case that was the results page.) and spend one minute on each version. From that exercise I was able to create sketches of each screen in the tool.

Crazy Eights

Crazy Eights 1.jpeg
Crazy Eights 2.jpeg

Taking inspiration from websites that solve similar problems, such as Google Maps, Yelp, and job boards, I included elements such as a search bar, search filters, a map, and reviews


Sketches 1.jpeg
Sketches 2.jpeg

In my sketches I included a home page where a user would first enter their search criteria, followed by a results page that would include a list of all results fitting the entered search criteria, filters for sorting the results, and a map that would show where each of the results are located. After clicking on one of the results the user would go to a service page that would provide details about the service. From this page users can also save a service and write a review for the service, so I sketched the screen where a user can see everything they saved and a screen where they would write a review.

First Iteration

Home Page.png
Service Page.png
Write a Review Page.png
Favorites Page.png

When moving on to designing the high fidelity screens, I decided to make the favorites page and the results page with the same setup so it would be easier for the developers. I also decided that instead of going to a completely different page to write a review, there would just be a pop up on the service page. This would make it easier for the user.

Testing and Second Iteration

Home Page.png
Results Page.png
Service Page.png
Write a Review Page.png

After creating the prototype it was time to test it. I conducted remote usability testing, from which I found that the following changes should be made to the design:

  • Replace the magnifying glass on the home page with a button that says search, since one user had trouble using the search tool

  • Make changes to the home page to make the search tool easier to understand, such as providing examples of keywords and providing clearer directions in the search bars

  • Have a question next to the match percentage, which if clicked on would explain what it means, since one user didn't know what "90% match" means

  • Make the stars on the write a review page a darker color, since one user had trouble seeing them

  • Put the service provider's website on the results page with all the other contact info, since one user said that after finding a service on the results page that they would have went to the service provider's website

  • Put a link on the bottom of each search result that says "more info" since one user wouldn't click the service title to get to the service page

  • Make the top bar smaller and reformat the reviews so they take up less space, since these elements were taking up too much room

  • Align the "See My Favorites" and "See My Reviews" buttons with the "My Account" and "Log Out" buttons


I was able to create a very intuitive product that would solve common problems held by independent facilitators. I learned a lot from this project, including how to solve different design problems, discoverability, and discovering the importance of clear communication and instruction when testing with users.

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